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What You Should Do When Your Child Experiences Tooth Fracture

Tooth injuries, from minor chips to fractures, are quite common to kids, especially to those who are learning to walk or engaging in sports. Sometimes, even teeth grinding and eating certain foods like ice or hard candy can also damage the teeth. As a parent, you may already know what to do when your child…

Does It Hurt To Get a Dental Implant?

Having a missing tooth not only causes your other teeth to shift but also increases your risk of getting gum disease. That said, getting dental implants may be best for you. If it’s your first time to get a replacement for your missing tooth, one of the questions you probably have is: does it hurt?...
girl with a smile

Everything You Need to Know About Sealants

Fissure or dental sealants are thin, plastic coatings that are painted on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth, also known as molars or premolars. Once applied, the sealants prevent the teeth from decaying by protecting them from acid or bacteria that attack the enamel. How Are the Fissure Sealants Applied? The process of sealant…

Early Signs and Symptoms of Mouth Cancer

According to surveys and reports, the death rate as well as the number of people getting diagnosed with mouth or oral cancer is continually increasing every year. It is even estimated that more than 54,000 adults in the US will be diagnosed with oral and oropharyngeal cancer in 2021. Given this information, people should take…

Tooth Sensitivity, When to See Your Dentist

Tooth Sensitivity: When to See Your Dentist

According to The Journal of the American Dental Association or JADA, one in every eight people has tooth sensitivity. But many individuals don’t really discuss this condition with their dentists until the problem gets worse. Some people also think it’s normal to feel a little discomfort when eating or drinking hot, cold, spicy, or sweet…

5 Reasons Why Baby Teeth Are Important

Many of us think that baby teeth, also known as milk teeth or primary teeth, aren’t important since they eventually fall out. Because of this belief, we don’t give much attention to taking care of them. However, taking care of primary teeth is crucial, as it is as important as the adult or permanent ones….

Top 6 Foods and Beverages That Damage Your Teeth

“You are what you eat.” You’ve probably heard this phrase many times before from your doctors, gym instructors, and nutritionists. A proof that this saying is true can be seen on your teeth. If you love eating junk foods or unhealthy beverages, there is a high possibility that your teeth may suffer from serious damage…

Should You Have Your Amalgam Fillings Removed by Your Dentist?

For more than a century, dentists worldwide have been using dental amalgam that contains mercury as a filling material. Amalgam is said to be the cheapest, strongest, and longest-lasting filling in the industry. But over the past decades, there have been some controversies about its mercury content. People are concerned about whether it’s safe to…

5 Causes for Cracked Teeth You May Not Know About

A cracked tooth is a common condition and one of the leading reasons many people lose their teeth. The cracks may appear as craze lines (vertical hairline cracks on tooth enamel), fractured cusp (cracks typically seen at the back of the tooth), split tooth (a crack that travels from the surface of the tooth to…

How To Take Care of Temporary Dental Fillings

When you have a painful cavity or a cracked, broken, or worn down tooth, your dentist would repair or treat it using a permanent filling. However, there are times when your dentist may recommend using a temporary tooth filling instead. This usually happens when you just had a root canal, you’re waiting for a special…