
Importance of Wearing a Mouthguard When Playing Sports

A sports mouthguard is more than just a fashion trend for athletes. While it can make you look better, this protective gear’s main function is to significantly minimize the risk of minor and serious injuries to the mouth and jaw. Wearing a mouthguard is required for some sports such as boxing, football, and hockey. However,…

Healthy Halloween: Dental Tips for Trick-or-Treaters

Halloween is right around the corner! And for children, this tradition is mainly about three things: costumes, candies, and more candies. We’re approaching the time of the year when kids are surrounded by more sugar than usual. That can be worrisome for parents and pediatric dentists in Sioux Falls. But there’s no reason for your…


Dental implants? Don’t be nervous about them!

If you are missing a tooth, getting a dental implant is an ideal solution. Implants are life-like in appearance and can last for decades, making them the best substitute for missing teeth. On top of that, they are great for maintaining facial contours and preserving the alignment of the teeth. Needless to say, dental implants…

toothache dental emergency

Dealing With Dental Emergencies

Toothache Like any other health emergency, serious concerns involving the mouth and teeth need to be cared for as soon as possible. As such, it’s crucial to learn how to respond to them to prevent aggravating the injury any further. Being aware of the right course of action can determine the outcome of your treatment…

dental tools being sterilized

How Dental Clinics Are Sanitized: What You Need to Know

How Dental Clinics Are Sanitized: What You Need to Know Have you ever visited the dentist and thought, "How clean is this place?" To answer that, it's very clean. In fact, dental clinics in Sioux Falls, SD strictly follow the guidelines and recommendations for disinfection and sterilization set by American health authorities and the local...
healthy gums

Best Practices for Healthy Teeth and Gums

Did you know that having good oral health is more than having pearly white teeth and a confident smile? According to experts, there is a correlation between people’s oral health and their overall well-being. That said, it’s crucial to take the right steps to ensure that you’re doing what’s optimal for the health of your…

pillar dental sedation dentistry

What Is Sedation Dentistry? 4 Questions Answered

What Is Sedation Dentistry? 4 Questions Answered Are you a person who tenses up at the thought of going to the dentist? Do dental scenes in movies send you into a cold sweat? Dental anxiety is so common that it even has its own names: odontophobia or dentophobia. If fear of sitting in the dental...
sedation drug

A Peaceful Visit, Guaranteed: 3 Types Of Dental Sedation Drugs Explained

A Peaceful Visit, Guaranteed: 3 Types Of Dental Sedation Drugs Explained Did you know that the average time Americans go between dental visits is three years? Though most wait this long for financial reasons (as dental insurance isn’t always offered by employers), others are stricken by a childhood fear; as time passes, they convince themselves…

toothpaste and toothbrush

Why Is It Important To Keep Up Your Oral Hygiene

Why it is important to keep up your oral hygiene There are many things that individuals go to the dentist for. Some are more serious than others and some are just for cosmetic reasons. Every year around 100 million Americans do not get adequate medical care from a dentist because they end up not going…